About Us

This is our second holiday cottage. The other, Greenwood Close, is in Pateley Bridge and is the house that I grew up in.

A few years ago Greenwood Close was totally renovated to provide fully equipped, luxury accommodation of the highest standard. At the time we were unsure firstly, if anyone would want to visit and secondly, whether we would enjoy having strangers in our home.

The answer to both these questions turned out to be a resounding yes - so much so that we found that we had nowhere to stay for much of the year. Then we saw Fountains Cottage, immediately fell in love with it and decided that this was the answer.

Three years and a pandemic later the cottage has been transformed to the same standard as Greenwood Close, and we are looking forward to sharing it with our new guests.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Looking rather dejected back in 2017

Looking rather dejected back in 2017